Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Looking for the right balance

The last few days have been a roller coaster ride. You know the feeling when you just crest the top of the first hill, your stomach drops, the scream escapes from your lungs without even knowing you are screaming, and you plunge towards the ground at 15o miles per hour. Our ride started with three days of David being inconsolable. We finally contacted our neurologist in Rochester after the Labor Day weekend and switched back to the Clonazapam, increasing his dose to help him not be so anxious, angry, and agitated. He slept well. Unfortunately the dose was too high and David was very very lethargic. He struggled to stay awake and it was difficult for him to eat or talk. Thankfully this wore off as the day went on. David actually went to school and we were told he did well. He does continue to complain about not feeling well which may be a result of one his meds, so after talking with his PA we are going to discontinue this one med. We are looking for the right balance of medication so David can enjoy life but not feel anxiety. Please pray we can find this proper leval.

Brenda met with the staff at Fayetteville Manlius High School yesterday and we were blown away at their love and concern for David. We can send David to school knowing he is going to be well cared for, his dignity respected, and loved. We can't say enough about how well the school has responded. They provided us with a wheel chair we can use until we find the right one for him.

As you know earlier I posted a question about whether we should go on our cruise next week. Since writing that post we have had so many people encourage us to go. Our current staff and others have steped up the plate to cover for us. There will always be two people in the house when David is here. My sister-in-law is making her self available and so many people have said they will help by bringing meals. We are blessed!

Finally, pray we can find a couple more staff to help with overnights and weekend coverage. Well dinner is waiting for me. Thanks again for lifting us up in prayer.

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