The following are excerpts from some of the notes friends wrote to us. Listen closely and you will hear the voice of our Savior!
"David taught me many things. As I used to tell him, he saw way more than most people who could actually see. In so many ways he is the person I want to be. I can't begin to understand how difficult this walk has been for David and all of you. I think as I look back and say, why did this have to happen, why did David have to have this disease...I then look at all he is and how this disease probably made him the person he is and shaped all of you too...and because of that, how many people have come to either know Christ, know Him better or just see what an uninhibited and unashamed love for Jesus looks like. As I think about how God spoke to Brenda about the difference between our earthly tent and our heavenly dwelling, I can see how the extraordinary challenges, pain and suffering that was a part of David's earthly tent, was used to bring extraordinary glory to Jesus Christ. Despite everything, David showed a joy that was contagious and a faith that was unshakable. It transcends his physical circumstances and people knew that joy came from somewhere, and David told them where it came from."
"As I think of David's life, I am almost jealous. David was surrounded on earth by so many who cared about him - his school community, his church home, an extended family that loved him, and most importantly his two brothers and his parents. His parents poured Christ into him and it showed! When I mentioned his name anywhere it seems, everyone knows him and has a David story to share. Now he is with his Heavenly Father, seeing again, whole and no longer in pain. I look forward to my HOMEcoming and the opportunity to thank David in person for how his life and death encouraged me."
The following is a quote a friend shared from C.S. Lewis' book, The Last Battle, the closing book of The Chronicles of Narnia series: "And as He spoke He no longer looked to them like a lion; but the things that began to happen after that were so great and beautiful that I cannot write them. And for us this is the end of all the stories, and we can most truly say that they all lived happily ever after. But for them it was only the beginning of the real story. All their life in this world and all their adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and the title page; now at last they were beginning chapter One of the Great Story which no one on earth has read; which goes on forever; in which every chapter is better than the one before."
"On the day that David regained his sight, I Googled his name. When nothing came up I started to laugh and cry at the same time. What a strange thing that someone who affected so many lives doesn't even get one listing in the world's measure of success. Yet thousands are better for knowing him."
"You guys have been on my mind and especially coming up on the first Thanksgiving without David -- what pain and grief with his conspicuous absence. As I write these words, I paused, visited your blog and read through your entry from a few days ago. Powerful. I watched the YouTube and tears flowed freely, again. I read through the comments of what God has done since his passing, and marveled at God's incredible loyal love, his abounding grace, his furious love (a Brennan Manning phrase) and paused to know that he enters into your pain and loss. David's present state is that which gives us hope beyond belief, and is the only salve for your aching emotions. A season when cherished truths and theology embraces us in our pain. No, the Father embraces us with his strong arms of love and words of hope."
Thank your Jesus for your words of comfort and grace found in the epistles of our friends.
I was thinking of you and Brenda today... thanks for continuing to share your journey with us. You are often in my thoughts! We love you!!! Julie & Ken