1) You have permission to ask us about our loss of David. We need to talk about him. It is a vital part of processing our grief. Sometimes we may go on and on about this story or another so be prepared. Sometimes we may start crying. That's OK. Don't tell us we don't have to be sad because David is in heaven. We know he is but we miss him and it hurts. If we say, I don't really want to talk about it right now don't push us. There are going to be some people we feel more comfortable talking openly with based on the depth of our relationship. Avoid the question, "How are you doing?" It is too open ended. Often that question makes me think a person feels they have to say something so they fill the awkward silence with, "Hey, how ya doin?" Often by you sharing a memory or story you have of David you give us an opportunity to enter into a conversation about David and how we are doing. You are not forcing us to grieve when you talk about David, you are simply entering into the grief we are already experiencing. I read the following a couple days ago in a booklet on grief someone sent us;
Permission is the key to finding a healthy walk through the grieving process. Grief is still a "prison of silence" that must be broken into by your friends,and out of by you. This can only happen when both discover that grief is not an enemy to be avoided, but a process to be followed.
2) Be careful of using theological mumbo jumbo. Just read the story of Job in the Old Testament. His friends poked him in the eye with theological truth that failed to touch the reality of his pain and suffering. At times I think people feel like they have to give God an out for allowing David to suffer with Battens Disease and then die. He doesn't need one. Isaiah said it well in chapter 55,
8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. 9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Don't try to fill in the gaps God has chosen to leave unfilled or unanswered. I am discovering they are best left open. In fact often the questions we have don't even have an answer. C.S. Lewis wrote,
Can a mortal ask questions which God finds unanswerable? Quite easily, I should think. All nonsense questions are unanswerable. How many hours are there in a mile? Is yellow square or round? Problably half the questions we ask - half our great theological and metaphysical problems - are likely that.
Sometimes we couldn't understand the answer even if God explained it. Or God may have explained it in Scripture, but we fail to notice it or refuse to believe it.
Children don't understand why their parents won't let them stay up late, eat cookies in bed, or feed chocolate to the dog. They don't understand why we discipline them, make them clean their rooms, or take them to the dentist. One day when they grow up, they'll understand.
And so will we.
3. Be willing to be silent! Some of the best words of comfort have been an embrace where your tears stained my shoulder. Sometimes words are too loud, abrasive, like lemon juice on a paper cut.
Hope this has been helpful. I am looking forward to hearing your response.
Thank you for letting me know its okay to reach out. you cant always be sure how people react to death and after. there is a certain desire to comfort the ones who have lost. Yet you feel like, wow is it too much ,are they tired of the condolences.are they ready to move on, and maybe its me with the need to talk?when I read this blog I always seem to end up in tears. The part of me who grieves with you; the part is ,frankly greatful it is not me in your shoes. The fear that someday I may have to be there, it can be overwhelming . I thank Jesus pretty much daily for my son. I so want to see him grow to be the person that God intends him to be. Your lose reminds me that can all end . Thank you for sharing. It cant always be easy. Its certainly helps me to see God working in your life. Thank You
ReplyDeleteJesus wept on his own accord as he cried for Lazarus but he also cried with Mary and Martha. The Lord himself joined in their grieving, not to get them out of it but to be with them through it, that much is clear to me.
ReplyDeleteIt's your job to grieve, it's our job to make it easy for you to do so; trying to rush you through it or to change how you feel would be the biggest insult to who David is and who he was to you. If we want to honor you and David then we should be joining in with you.
Thank you for setting us straight Warren.
Thanks Dad, these are all the things I've been figuring out too. Thanks for putting them in words.
ReplyDeleteSending a silent hug across the miles. Thanks for your note of encouragement to me in the midst of all you are going through. It's so nice to know I am in your prayers as you are in mine as well.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Warren, for being so real. Our David stories are all through you. We didn't have direct impact with David, but through your journey we have been encouraged to be real with God and real with each other. We have learned so much through your journey. Know that every time we read your entries here, we cry with you. We long to sit and chat with you and let you continue your thoughts and share our own. Our current trials do not compare to your loss, but the grieving process you have so eloquently shared is helping us through these trials. We love you guys and continue praying for you all.
ReplyDeleteSo well said. Through your grief journey you are able to teach others what the bereaved need.