As we were cleaning out David's room we found a folder labeled David's Testimony. The only problem was it was in braille. Today Donna Richards, David's teacher of the visually impaired, came to our house to translate it. The best we can figure it he wrote this when he was in 7th grade. The following is what she wrote out for us:
David’s Testimony
When I was very little I enjoyed reading the bible a lot. My parents would read to me Bible stories and I loved them. I believe that when I was six years old I became a follower of Christ. I think it was when I was in Awana I realized I need Christ in my life to help me live a better life. So I accepted Jesus as my Savior. When I was seven years old I remember I started to lie a lot. I tried to be good kid but I was also a brat. Sometimes I am still a brat just ask my younger brother.
When I turned eight years I started to lose my site. Dad would yell at me because he thought I wasn’t looking at him. I was upset, sad, and didn’t want to talk to people. I would hide under the table for my vision teacher and cry, kick and scream. I didn’t really care for God. I thought God didn’t like me anymore. I thought he hated me. We had just moved from Poland, I lost all my friends, and my new friends were moving away. That was the year my mom was really sick when we were afraid she was going to die.
I started losing my site when I was in second grade. My first teacher was Mrs. Finkelstein. Even her name tells you what she was like. She was really not conscientious with my needs. I switched classes to Mrs. Gamble. She was my favorite. When I turned nine I started hating God even more. The reason was because I could not see any more. I started to be angry and sad all the time.
When I turned ten I realized my situation was not going to change. While I knew God loved me I still often would cry. Sometimes I would slam doors because I was mad. It was then I realized that God still loved me even with my blindness and that I could trust him and worship him and love him, even if I were to go totally blind. I turned back to God and gave my life to God all the way.
One of the gifts God has given me is my joy and love of God. I love people and I love to help people. Even in the hardest times God’s word says he will always love me and care for me. I hope you have learned through knowing me how to help others who have special needs. Lastly I want to tell you something important. Thank you for helping me with my walk of God. I need help to continue to walk closely with Christ. Thank you so much.
This was a second writing found connected to his testimony:
How are you doing, I really doing pretty good. I have had an extraordinary thing I learned in the service today. I learned that God should be the most important person in my life not girls, or baseball, not football or basketball. God really touched me today that love me so much. I really love him. I notice that I can’t count on that everything is going to go my way. Because it’s not a perfect world. I am glad that I am unique and I don’t look like any one else. We can’t take things for granted. We have our own problems, but we can lean all our cares under him. I know that God can handle all are troubles and cares. I really know now, and From now on I dedicate person even if they are not Christians. I can’t wait to find out what God is doing with this tragedy of my life, my sight problem. You know all the parts of my body. You know every hair on my head. When I am scared you are there, when I am laughing you are there, when I am sad You are there, When I am happy You are There, So God I give it all to you, So I can listen to your word, Your lamp is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Isaiah 41,10 Do not fear for I am with you, Do not be afraid I am your God, I will strengthen you and help you, And I will up hold you with my righteous right hand. Have I not commanded you, be strong and courageous, do not tremble or be dismayed, for The lord your God is with you wherever you go. God is true to his word, he would not lie, he is the perfect person, and he will come back like he promised. God wants people to except him in the whole wide world, not only America, every country in the world, not only the rich people or the fine dressed, but every one has a chance, As it says in John three sixteen for God so loved the world, That he gave his own son to die on the cross for us, I thank for that. My favorite bible verse is Psalm One. I want to give my self back to God and Jesus. He loves me so much. I know he loves every person on this earth, every person gets a chance. I would like to thank Mr. Bullock for his sermon that inspired this testimony. Love David Pfohl