Monday, November 23, 2009


Yesterday was November 22nd, exactly one month since David's death. We continue to swing between extreme joy as we think about heaven and David's adventures there and the grief of missing him here. Thankfully the distance between these two extremes are slowly becoming less and less. There is no doubt there will always be a gap, but we are choosing to allow this gap to be a reminder that we are to live with an eternal mindset. There is a great verse in the book of Philippians that says,

Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Phil. 3:13 & 14

The suffering David experienced, the physical challenges he faced, the dreams he had that were never attained are now in the past. We cling to the lessons learned and the model he gave us of a life well lived. No matter what obstacles got in his way he pressed forward. Heaven and the promises we rehearsed with him allowed David to press on. If David could do it, so can we. So we allow the gap between our joy and sorrow to remind us to strain toward what is ahead, to press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called us heavenward in Christ Jesus. I hope you are doing the same.

Over the past four weeks we have heard story after story of how David's life continues to impact people. His influence continues to ripple outward. We know of a father and daughter who have reconnected after years of being alienated, an old friend who felt like God had turned his back on her only to recently admit she had turned her back on God and is again praying, a business man who has started to boldly share his faith in Christ, and countless people who have begun to ask themselves what allowed David to make such an impact on so many. Please continue to share your stories with us. They are medicinal and bring us great joy.


  1. I told part of David's story to my community Bible study this week. So 40 some ripples are going out across the Grand Rapids area...Love you guys! Deb & Ted

  2. So nice to hear of the ripple effect of David's life. I sure hope he gets to see it from his seat in heaven and know how important his life was. Maybe it is finally all making sense to him as to why he had to suffer so much. All for the sake of the cross!

    Today as I reflect back on what was a difficult holiday, as my husband and I are going through a divorce, I am reminded that I am not the only one facing a challenging life. It's so easy to get lost in our little pity parties, to think of what we have lost, rather than the things we may gain. David's story continues to cause that ripple effect in my life through your blog. It reminds me that no matter how bad I think things may be, I need to press on as David did. I look at the picture you have of him with that big ear splitting grin and I am amazed at how much joy he was able to find in the face of adversity. So please know as you write these posts that you are helping me to continue to focus my eyes on my heavenly dwelling as I see my own home falling to pieces. I will find joy in the face of adversity rather than focusing on what life I "could" have had if things had turned out differently. Most importantly, I will continue to fall on my knees and seek the Living God as you clearly remind me that He is able to conquer any mountain I may face.

    Thank you so much for your words and for sharing David's life with us.

    In Him,
    Julie Jensen
