Tuesday, October 20, 2009

In the Hospital

I am sitting in a hospital room at University Hospital with Brenda, Daniel, and David. We had a very rough evening and morning with David. He was in horrible psychic pain, rolling, crying, rocking, and yelling without end. It was one of the roughest mornings we have ever experienced. After talking with Hospice and our doctor from CompassionNet we decided to take him into the hospital to control his pain. We have sedated him with a med that he will remain on until he dies. They inserted a pic line (a permanent IV) which will allow us to return home tomorrow and manage his medication. He continues to not eat or drink. Thankfully with this new medication he will no longer be in pain. His other medications simply were not doing the trick.

Brenda is spending the night at the hospital with David. Daniel and I are going home and will return tomorrow morning. We are hoping to be discharged by 1 PM. We are surrounded by good friends and family. We are tired. God blessed us with a wonderful christian nurse. It is amazing how when we open our eyes and can look beyond the pain of our sitution how we see the hand of God in his many little blessings. Thanks for praying!


  1. Warren,
    We will continue to pray for the small blessings and peace that God is providing in the midst of the madness you have all been going through. It has always been an honor for me to call David "Gregory" my friend...I cry with such pain as we all lose him, but joy when I picture him being released from the cage that his body has become. I have always been proud of who he is and what he has been able to get through...including what I saw last night.
    Amanda and I will continue to pray for you all.

  2. We are continuing to pray for you as you go through this. In a devotional I read earlier today, the author wrote about Isaac walking up the mountain with his promised son, Abraham, to sacrifice him. He couldn't see the other side of the mountain, where another was making the journey up the same mountain, the lamb. He did not know what was ahead - he obeyed step by step. God sees the whole mountain. I hope you feel His presence somehow today. We love you and are praying for you!

  3. "Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint"

  4. We continue to pray for all of you.
    I too hope that you feel God's pressence somehow.
    I know you are surrounded by many people who love you .. many people who love David..
    I pray that he no longer feels pain.. and one day, will feel the arms of our Savior around him.
    God Bless you all,


  5. I really don't know what to say. I love you all, and even though we haven't seen each other in a while, I continue to pray that God keeps all of you strong or whatever David needs that minute or hour or day. Know that you will be taken care of with what you and your family needs that minute, hour or day also through God's wonderful timing and plans. (I know that you do, but sometimes it is just really great to read it in print!)
    ~Liz J.

  6. Words fail me, but our prayers and our God will not. We are all crying with you, groaning in our prayers and at the loss of David, yet rejoicing and signing with you as we think ahead to David running and dancing into the arms of his Savior, finally free, finally home. We love you all and you are not out of our thoughts and prayers for a moment.
    ~Paul and Tina

  7. All my life I've known about an older brother who died 10 days after I was born. Joel Kevin succumbed to Luekemia about 9 months after the inital diagnosis. I obviously never knew him but at 51 years old have a better understanding of the pain my dad and my mom went through. An understanding that provides more insight into our families dynamics over the years. An understanding that has been revealed as I observe the terror and agony of your struggles with David. So while this offers little consolation please know that I have been helped by all this.

    John 6:66-69

  8. Still standing with you from a distance,,,God's people are surrounding you with arms of love..Ted & Deb

  9. David is being birthed into the true life that was promised him since before the foundations of the world were laid. Hospice is like mid-wifery in reverse. It will help manage his pain and your fatigue. The Holy Spirit provides the comfort. A whole crowd of witnesses are praying for you for a deeper revelation of victory over death through Christ Jesus. Shalom to you all, Kit.

  10. I just happened to have had an opportunity to meet your brother and his wife at the front of University Hospital yesterday and he mentioned your son. When I got back to my office in Silverman Hall to take a moment to lift you up to the "King of Kings and the Lord of Lords..." At the moment just finding out the David has been promoted to glory as made me sad that I cannot reach out just to hug you both. I therefore pray that God will send His angles of mercy to fill the void that I cannot fill, no mere man can fill.

    I am reminded of Habakkuk 3:17-19A, "Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds' feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places..." My the Lord Jesus Christ uphold you with His grace and turn "your mourning into joy."
